Flip to fluency
www.flipfluency.com [ www.amflipy.com ]
[The product is paused due to changes in the Chrome Extension policy and lack of time.]
Learn any language you want while reading (or writing) texts in your web browser.
Two core features:
Word Replacer
AI Text Enhancer
Word Replacer
Define the pair of words you wish to learn, and watch as all instances of those words are replaced (flipped) with your chosen translations in any text on your web browser.
This exposure to new words more frequently significantly enhances your learning speed!
You can utilize any language combinations you desire.
Use case:
Imagine you are French, already fluent in English, but looking to learn Spanish. Let's say you want to learn the word "cat" (Spanish: gato, French: chat).
English → Spanish: Kot → Gato
French → Spanish: Chat → Gato
Whenever you read English text on the Internet, the word "cat" will be replaced with "gato." Similarly, in French texts, the word "chat" will be replaced with "gato."
If you get stuck on a word, you can simply hover over the replaced word, and a popup with the original word will appear, making learning seamless and effective.

If needed you can always temporarily disable Word Replacer for the particular web page or even for all pages.
AI Text Enhancer
Grammarly alternative ... but cheaper and with additional features.
Whenever you write any text inside your web browser you can check if it is correct and inquire AI to show you an improved version.
Inside AI-generated improved text you can expect the words you defined in Word Replacer.

[Feature not production ready yet]
Product Roadmap:
OpenAI costs money if you want to utilise AI Text Enhancer. Either a price list has to be offered for users to utilise this feature or a way to embed users' OpenAI API keys inside our app so the users will pay for themselves.